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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Top Three reasons we Hiked another 10 Miles on the beach

Howdee all.

Yes we did another ten mile hike...repeated the same 5 mile bay side and 5 mile gulf side hike.
The morning started off cold but warmed out...
check out my morning gear..

Ok here are the


Reason number 3. to Collect Treasures

Reason number 2. to see more birdies

and birdie footprints

below is a video of what we believe to be a Long-Tailed Duck, a Life Bird for us
Would anyone like to confirm that for us?

but the number 1 reason we walked another 10 miles


While In Apalachicola..You must try the local oysters...
so we did ..
We went to the famous
Boss Oyster

Oyster A la Artie (Chef Tim Strand, Boss Oyster):Hand-picked Blue Crab, Artichoke, Monterey Jack Cheese
Oyster Monterey (Captain Greg R. Pace):Hand-picked Blue Crab, Sherry, Monterey Jack Cheese
Oyster Bienville (Mr. Webb, Apalachicola):Chopped Shrimp, Mushrooms, Garlic, Cheddar Cheese
Oyster Greektown (Diana Poppelreater, Atlanta):Garlic, Parsley, Feta Cheese, Greek Olives

Fried was my favorite.

the above post uploaded thanks to free wifi at the local Subway Shop.


  1. OMG I LOVE fried oysters. I could eat a pound of them myself, seriously!

    I love the shells and the bird prints. Sorry I can't help you on the bird ID, but is sure is pretty!

  2. yooooommmy. Good reasons to take a hike.

  3. YUM! Oysters rule (and just out of curiosity, what were the other four preparations??) No better way to cap off a 10-mile hike!

    And I'm pretty sure that you do have a Long-tailed Duck there--looks like an immature male, I think.

  4. Kallen..
    yeah they were pretty good. would have loved the hike

    the other ways...all broiled

    Oyster A la Artie (Chef Tim Strand, Boss Oyster):Hand-picked Blue Crab, Artichoke, Monterey Jack Cheese

    Oyster Monterey (Captain Greg R. Pace):Hand-picked Blue Crab, Sherry, Monterey Jack Cheese

    Oyster Bienville (Mr. Webb, Apalachicola):Chopped Shrimp, Mushrooms, Garlic, Cheddar Cheese

    Oyster Greektown (Diana Poppelreater, Atlanta):Garlic, Parsley, Feta Cheese, Greek Olives

  5. Ahhh...I love oysters raw, cooked, any way at all.

  6. Wow! Was it really that cold, or are you just a wuss? :)

    Oysters may be the singular seafood dish that I don't care much about. But I'd walk another 10 miles for most any other fresh seafood.

  7. NCmountain woman...
    I am a wuss...haa...cant stand to be I wear as much as I can to keep me warm...then take off layers..

  8. Wow that looks like it was real cold.. Glad it warmed up for you. The trade off was worth it and they all sound sooooo yummy..

  9. Came to your blog from another.Really enjoyed your pictures.We were at St George,last summer,and really enjoyed.You must head south in Florida,for better shelling.

  10. nice long-tailed duck video!

  11. Boss Oyster is on of our all time favorite restaurants. I'm jealous. Love that part of Florida.

  12. Yum! Nothing like a long walk with a reward at the end!! Where are you headed next?
    - W and L

  13. It looks like you were ready for snow. And your LT duck looks just like ours who are visiting by the thousands for the winter. I have never eaten oysters...

  14. Howdee all,
    Chirs and Jon..
    yeah we have been further south previous years for shelling etc..thought we would check out the pan handle...our first time here.

    Jim..Jeff loves the oysters...actually i am not the biggest fan..fried was good because I didnt notice the gushy belly as much.
    yeah this is a great part of florida...not so crazy busy.

    Warren and Lisa...we leave tommorow to drive about and hour east to St. Marks..
    Good birdies there

    Ruth... see allot of those ducks..that one was our first and it was alone..maybe lost the rest of its flock..

  15. I thought you are in Florida? Where is the warm weather? I have never tried oysters. Not sure I want to.

  16. We used to go to the Seafood Festival in Apalachicola. That's where I learned to (sometimes) like shrimp. Never learned to like oysters though. They look mighty tasty in that first photo. (Everything looks tasty breaded and fried!)

  17. Today I wish I was living your life!! LOL!! Walks in the sun - some yummy oysters....sounds nice....

  18. Nice video..can't help you with the id of the duck but oh I could scarf down some of those delicious looking oysters!! The birdie tracks were cool!

  19. Wow, lots of cool stuff from a long hike!


ok what do you really think?????