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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I won an award...Yipeeee

Howdee all,
Yes its true, I won an award and here it is.Thank you, thank you..I would like to thank all of my friends and family and tee hee.
Ok,well i would like to thank Appalachian Lady who gave me this award.

I have recently been saving blogs that I like and putting them onto a blogroll on the sidebar. I added Appalachian Journal because I found it to be very interesting blog about nature, birds, bugs, plants etc. and I am always picking up some interesting tidbit and learning from this blog.
So thanks Appalachian Lady for the award and more importantly for your informative blog.

My blog was started a few years back as Jeff and I were into our fulltiming RV adventure.
I wanted a way for my family and friends to know what we were doing. .I used to send an email travelogue but then I discovered blogging. What a great tool to show video, pictures and words to document our travels. I know my mother, mother in law and sisters like to read the blog to see what we are up too.

Recently I started added a blogroll and found this a great way to keep up with some very interesting blogs. I also did two Skywatch Fridays If you have never checked out Skywatch you should. Anyway, because of both of these things I have had people other than family, friends read my blog.

My blog is nothing fancy,,,some pics taken with love, but not with allot of photographic knowledge. I use a point and shoot camera, my video is as excitable as me when I take it...therefore the quick pans..and shakes.......tee hee..
No mind bending, poetry or prose....and allot of dots.....................and if it weren't for spell check allot of misspellings. I tend to be Sarah Palinish and ramble on sometimes, making no sense.......there go the dots again.

But this is my photo, video journal. I hope you enjoy.

I love having worshipers...oops I mean followers. So if you like or enjoy my blog I do appreciate it, whether you comment or not....that's right chickylet..(but you being my mother are required to comment)that goes for the sisters too.... more word about the pretty the graphic..but does the wording sound strange to you?

So now it is my turn to pass on the a few other worthy candidates..

These are the rules I am following and the rules that I pass on to you all.
Though I know a few of you personally and know that you probably wont pass it on..that is ok...It is like a chain letter, you wont die, blah blah blah if you don't do it..

1. Put the logo on your blog, you can right-click and copy it from above.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate other blogs for this award (about 10).
4. Add links to those blogs
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs (have to do this yet!:)
6. Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool.

First of all I love all the blogs that I have in my sidebar blogroll and should give them all awards....I learn from each and every one of them. I have to say that Appalachian Lady already awarded some of my favorites. But since I had to choose a few I did.

Here are my award winners in no particular order

Bloggedy blog blog this blog belongs to my sister Adele, she and her husband moved from the big city of Pittsburgh to north Carolina a few years back. they wanted out of the city and fast pace high powered jobs..and are now enjoying doing what they like in a beautiful country setting. My sisters passion is gardening. Her husband loves to build things. If Adele were to blog more you would see daily pictures of her flowers, probably more of Craig's projects and more goofy, posts that crack me up.. The past two days she has been getting into the blogging thing again. So I am giving this award for her past blogs and all that I hope to see in the future.

Live your Life This blog belongs to anther sister..who is also a passionate gardener and Apple computer wizard. She and her husband live in a beautiful cottage by the sea...her husband can make anything he puts his mind should check out the blog to see his handiwork. I love all of her photos and videos, she has a much nicer camera than I. tee hee. I would love to see her blog more....and do a sky watch or two.

The blog of a butterfly and garden freak This blog belongs to my nephews wife, Missy. Another avid gardener. On her blog you will see anything from recipes, music videos, trivia, lyrics of songs, pictures of stars with babies..humm I think she wants one too... and lots and lots of stuff about animals..she loves them all and is very passionate about everything she puts on her blog.

Ameila Payson House blog This blog I helped get its feet off the ground, and Ada May had hit the ground running. Ada and her husband Don have a wonderful bed and breakfast in Salem, Ma.
They also have a condo/winter residence in Tucson,AZ. On Ada's blog you will see both Salem and Tucson and some of their travels, not to mention her great love Alan Jackson.

Geno's Blog this blog belongs to Java Geno, a friend and a recent do it yourself blogger. Geno lost his wife of 40 years this spring. It was Patti the computer genius and website designer who set up their beautifully designed blog/travelogue in the past..Geno would take the pictures and give Patti the input and she would put it all together. Now Geno does it all himself..and though it may not be as beautifully designed as Patti's,,,,I enjoy everything he puts on it. Geno is an avid biker, hiker,photographer, coffee junkie and wino..tee hee... Check out his recent bike trip to Japan...very very cool...

The Zen birdfeeder I love this blog..I love the birdie pics. I love that she just did a whole blog on how to make bird treats to hang from trees. The blog is written by Nancy Castillo who is co-owner of Wild Birds Unlimited - Saratoga Springs NY. Thanks Nancy

Adventures of a bird girl You gotta love this...a bright 14 year old gal, Helena from Maryland,who loves birds and nature and blogs of it. I haven't seen any recent posts so I am assuming she is busy with school this time of year.

Bluebird of Friendliness
I found this blog recently, I love the the fact she is from Brooklyn, where our daughter lives. Leah, is young and in love with nature...check out her wonderful stories.

Wanderin' Weeta Susannah from British Colombia, has a great blog.. art, close up and personal with bugs, great photography and a fun blog to read. I like bugs but never studied I am learning allot here. thanks Susannah.

Northwest nature nut Another new blog for me...I have just started to enjoy nature nuts blog...which comes from Portland, Oregon. Lovely photos of birds and plants and lately some really cool window stars..check it out...

and last but not least

Kitchen window birder Kallen305 cracks me up. I love the commentary about her birds. I love the pictures she puts up to have others help Id. I am learning when she is learning... and i love reading her blog..Thanks Kallen

well thats all for now...and if you like my blog you may want to check out my blogroll....very cool blogs that I follow....


  1. Hi! You never met me but I am an avid Salem guest at the Amelia Payson House. She's told me great things about your and when I saw your blog, I could totally see why. It really is so great, and I hope to be able to blog like you do one day. (I'm still trying to work on mine!) Thanks for the great blogs -- the award is definitely deserved and I'm going to check out the blogs you've suggested.

  2. Dawn: Thanks for the award! Do you know me and I don't know it? ;) I am one of those types that "probably won't pass it on". I will post the award and link back to you though. Thanks for the acknowledgement. I have visited your blog a few times and find it very pretty and enjoyable. I love you layout. Thanks again!

  3. Well I found your blog today extremely interesting. Your award was darling. I know you have a ball doing your blog and keeping us up to date on all your exciting travels, and I do enjoy reading it very very much, even though I dont always post a comment. Now you will have me checking out other blogs. That should be interesting! Love Chicky

  4. Thanks for the award Dawn! I am glad you are learning right beside me! That's what makes blogging so fun.

    I will post the award on my blog and share the wealth!

  5. That's right I'm first do dah do dah.

  6. Hi Bloggie Blogger Buddy!
    First of all, a big congrates for the Bloggie Award. Well deserved for a beaufitul presentation and keeping it up for all these years.
    For those of us who are not relatives but good friends meeting on the road, we can keep up w/ your adventures.
    And secondly, a big thank you for helping me set up mine and giving me an award. Isn't that a conflict of interest...ha ha!
    I know Patti is pleased and proud of me for plugging along w/o her expertise. She is smiling and looking down as I even type this.
    Keep up the fine Fine blog and inspiring others like me.

  7. Congrats!
    I'll have to check out those other blogs.

  8. Well, thanks very much for your kind words and award! I'm envious of your lifestyle. It's long been a dream of mine to RV all over tarnation with my husband. We're still young (well, I'm still young, hee hee) so we've got time. I have a feeling a few little tots will be accompanying us by the time we're ready though!

    Is your daughter a young birder too? I'm looking for a birding buddy :)

  9. howdee all..
    AMalwayswriting ..thanks for checking out my blog...I am enjoying your Obama blog.

    NW Nature nut...yeah dont worry about doing all that stuff...just enjoy the award that has the funny wording..tee hee

    Kallen305...your welcome...keep bloggin.

    adele...yeah you were the first I mentioned..i guess your special..tee hee

    Geno...thanks for the congrat..and congrats to far as the conflict of interests..i am always conflicting things..

    Andy,,thanks ..and i love your photos..

    Bluebird of Friendliness...your welcome..and yes the lifestyle is great...hopefully someday you can try far as our daughter and birding..we took her a few times when we visited her in brooklyn and she was very excited..She was using our binos...has none of her own...she might be interested in going out to see some birdies...

  10. Thanks Dawn! I might not comment all the time but i try my best to read all your postings... i will have to get more on the ball with comments cause you comment on mine all the time and i SMILE when you do... so, i will have to pay it back to you... and your award, LOVE IT... congratulations... you deserve it... can't wait to see you over xmas... whooopy! lets do some outdoor walking or hiking somewhere!!!! xoxoxo

  11. Thanks Dawn. I'm blushing so.... To get this honorable mention from my mentor, the Guru of blogging, and especially with my brief experience as a blogger. I'm hoping to learn more about the mechanics of blogging over the winter months now that I have more time. Thanks for all your guidance. I promise to make you proud!

  12. Congratulations on your award and to all the others that you have awarded..

  13. Dawn - thanks so much for the shout out! I'm glad you enjoy the blog and appreciate you spreading the word about it.
    Continue having fun on your blog - it shows!

  14. CONGRATS on the award!!
    The nominees are outstanding!!
    Great choice :)
    Will visit you more often!
    Besos desde PerĂº,


ok what do you really think?????