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Friday, October 31, 2008

Bird Brains...a few life birds for us in Cape May

thats my shadow third from left...HI..and our scope head left...wonderful evening birder shadows..

Howdee all...

Yes we are bird brains here in Cape
I guess being here in Cape May has put us into Bird Mode...all these birders in one area is very exciting and energizing and makes it so much easier for us novice birders to learn..learn ...learn...
Hopefully some of this info will sink in and we will be able to ID a few birds...
We continue to enjoy our new scope and yesterday we had great views of Northern Gannets, Lots of scooters, surf and black, Double crested and Great cormorant, common and red throated loons and lots of other birds..
Life birds for this trip so far are..

Lesser Black bellied gull
Saltmarsh Sharptail sparrow
Black Scoter
Great cormorant
Northern Gannet
Bay breasted Warbler
Field Sparrow

Jeff is out birding now...I stayed in this morning to hang out with my little fur boy and catch up on Internet stuff... I have been adding bird links and a few mushrooming links to my blog..
I am finding plenty of birding blogs that are great...but having a hard time finding wild mushroom picking blogs...bummer...if any of you have favorite blogs that I might like leave the url and I will check it out.

For those who know me I have my eyes on the ground as much as I have them in the clouds...
I love to find things...pick wild mushrooms...bird...and enjoy the great outdoors...
as well as the internet...tee hee......

Well i better get ready for some afternoon birding...and ground watching...If anyone knows where I can get xtra eyes let me know..

i just called jeff as he was birding...says a western tanager female was spotted and lots of birders out looking...he is coming to pick me up now..,..i have seen the bird our west...but what the heck..


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hanging out with the birds and our new Scope....and new contest...

Howdee all

I have a new contest...guess the bug that makes this sound
for a nice prize.....
first one to guess gets the prize...
good luck....

We did some birding this morning...a walk around Higbee beach...we didnt walk the beach ...but walked around fields and woods. Then grabbed a little lunch and Headed out to the Hawk watch area...... In the video below...Jeff talks a little about our new scope.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Welcome our new Scope

Yep thats right...Jeff and I bought a Scope....never had one of our own and thought it would be great to have one...So after much Jeff,,, and hanging out at the CMBO Feather Edge Optics shop for hours on end...(Thanks to Brian for all his help and patience).....Jeff tried out all the scopes...tripods..heads... carried the scopes around on different tripods...Yikes I was getting impatient after a gazillion hours....Jeff finally decided on a nice little package that should keep us Happy Birders for many years...
We ordered a digscoping attachment so that I can take some close up bird pics and videos. I did try handheld digascoping.....holding the camera by hand up to the scope lens...very u can see by the video below...

this is our rig....
Kowa 20-60x Zoom Eyepiece
Manfrotto 128RC Quick Release Tripod Head
Gitzo GT2540 Carbon Tripod

Today was a cold, windy day...but we went out anyway to check out our new purchase...
I am ready to head south...its burrrrrrrrrr

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cape May autumn weekend

Howdee all...
Jeff and I had a great time at the Cape May Autumn weekend bird festival. We took indoor and outdoor workshops and bird walks.
We will stay in Cape May for another week before we continue our journey south.
Jeff is contemplating buying a scope for birding. I will let you know if we get one... if we do i might try my luck at digiscoping.
below is a video with some clips of the weekend...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Cape May autumn weekend bird festival and absentee ballots go south...

So today was the start of the Cape May Autumn weekend bird festival...
We had an excellent day of birding....
Great birdwalks and talks Kenn Kaufman, Peter Dunn , Kevin Karlson, Norman Smith and others....I even met the Birdchick I found her blog recently and love it....We were busy with birding from 730 until 1030 in the you only get two of a group we did some shore birding with and the Jeff mailing our absentee ballots for....hummm.....who do you think???????????

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Forsythe National Wildlife Refugee

Howdeee all.....
Today we went to Forsythe National Wildlife was cold and windy..
so we did the eight mile drive by birding....
The snow geese were coming in on thier migration south...amongst lots of shorebirds, ducks etc...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Second day on Cape May

Howdee all...
Another nice day on Cape May...
I am a Poet and I know it....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Win a Prize if you identify these plants..

Thats Right...if you are the first one to correctly id these two win a prize...I am not sure what the gift will be yet..
maybe a penny...a rock....a plant...a shell...a box of candy...
next time I see you i will give you your prize...

Cape May Bike Ride

We took a nice bike ride today around Cape May...did a little birding and saw the sunset
check out our day....

click on the thumbnail to see the pics

Image hosted by
by dawnjeffprodigynet

We are in Cape May ...

Howdee all..

Jeff and I are now in Cape May, New Jersey...our first time if you have any suggestions on what we should see or do while we are here...add a comment or send us and email.

We are primarily here for the Cape May Autumn weekend Bird Show. Which starts Friday....Jeff left at 730 this morning for a bird walk...I opted to stay in until it gets warmer...we will go for a bike ride around town this afternoon. Will keep you posted...
See Ya....

View Larger Map

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Video ... Colin Powell Endorses Obama for President

Video of Colin Powell endorsing Barak Obama
He says it so well....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Acadia National Park


Webshots slideshow of our trip to Acadia National Park a few weeks ago...
We love it there....

Acadia National Park, Maine

Randy and Tracys wedding...a few pics...

Howdee all...

Finally got some pictures loaded onto webshots...

Randy and Tracys wedding from september....

click on the slideshow...

Tracy and Randys wedding

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Watch Hill, Napatree Point


Had a wonderful day at Napatree Point, Watch Hill, Rhode Island with Mom, Dad, Lori, Attillio, John and Barb.
Check out Loris Video below....