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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Some Birding Walks in North Carolina

Howdy all...

First before I get into our birding walks....I want to say to my sister Lori...that I am glad her gallbladder surgery went well and I hope you are out of pain soon...Poor Lori...she went to the hospital in terrible pain....I have been told gallbladder pain is the worse....I can only compare it to my kidney stones which was pretty horrible too...
So get well soon Lori..
Please everyone....stay healthy for a little heart cant take anymore sadness....

So.... Jeff and I have been going on some theraputic birding walks...
A few days ago we saw our first Ovenbird.

That is not me holding it....just found the picture on the internet.
We went to Raven Rock state park.
The park was about 35 to 40 minutes from Adele and Craigys home. We followed a small creek through the woods to the river and the rock that the park takes its name from. We were there birding pretty much all day....saw this sweet little bird that is hermit thrush like in coloring ..but tiny...very strong song for a tiny little bird.

Oh ...just now went outside and saw a lifer for me... a yellow throated vireo..
This is an exciting time to be here...the migrants are coming thru....cant wait to see the Blue grosbeak and Indigo Buntings again...they usually come to the feeder.

Anyway here are a few pictures of Raven rock...Yesterday we went for a birding walk in Weymouth woods. It was the day of Pattis Memorial in we decided we would go on this hike in honor of her love of birding and her great birding skills. Patti was with us as we saw our first Broad winged Hawk. A Lifer for us...
They were banding birds as we got to see some close up views of a few birds. Jeff wanted to see the prothonotary he went off trail...i didn't join him because i didn't want to deal with the ticks....he came back with over fifty ticks...yuck...and he didn't find the bird he was looking for. This time of year it is best to stay on the trails in North Carolina.

We did get great views of the Red cockaded woodpecker, and endangered species, that lives in just a few areas around here...and the Prairie warbler a bright yellow bird...we also got a close up view when it was being banded...see the yellow head below.

So thats all for is overcast, which is nice for the garden here....maybe I will stay in and read today...or if it gets nice go out and do some gardening.

a migrant....Black throated blue warbler


  1. Hi Dawn:
    My it's good to see you update your blog after all the sadness. And thank you for taking the birdwalk on the day of Patti's memorial and seeing a lifer....ha!...see I told you you'll see one. Patti is very accomodating even in spirit.
    And hey, thanks for putting your tribute to her on your sidebar and consolidating all the FINE memory features. Now I can go to one place when I want to reflect on her life and see some visuals. Hopefully, one day I can view it w/o crying and feeling sad.
    You are the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful person in the world and I know Patti was proud to call you a true friend.
    Thanks Dawn,
    Many hugs,

  2. some more great pics... looks like you and jeff are really having a great time in the beautiful scenery of this place... wish that was you holding those birds.. but the more i see pics of the birds the more it makes me want to get a bird book and find out what birds i have in my area... keep up the great pics...


ok what do you really think?????