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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nobbies ups and downs

Howdy all,

Nobbie is still with us and had a good day yesterday. Seems like he is having a good morning so far.
He has been sitting on his favorite basket instead of hiding. He purred and also wants his daily beating...please don't be alarmed...he likes being patted with a stick.
He does get annoyed when i try and clean his nose and his ear and give him all the meds.

I still don't feel any difference in the size of the cyst..or whatever it is on his left side throat area.
He does seem to stand a bit more upright...his eye is still partially closed..which I understand is Horners syndrome or nerve damage...don't know if this will rectify when all the swelling and excess tissue goes away.

I am going through own ups and downs with this....If i remember how he was a week ago...I would say he is getting better....
But ...It seems so slow of a recovery...and I am still a bit of a skeptic and wonder if this is all working. I am stressed and need a vacation from this. I cant imagine how parents with very sick children get through it all.

The Reiki healer says the tissue areas are shrinking...and she feels no hot inflammation.
She says it will take a month for the cyst thing to go away...and the one in his head as well.
Says that he should have the teeth taken out when he gets stronger.
He still sleeps allot and hasn't wanted to go he is not back yet...

So we go on with this routine...we leave here on Monday...and will see if our Mr. Nobbie gets better.
below is a letter from the animal communicator...

Hi Dawn,
Thank you for the update & information. I enjoyed reading your blog!
Checked in with Nobbie today, and he seems to be having one of those days where he just wants to lay and rest...the good news is, he feels his body healing, and is quite optimistic that he will recover! He thinks the healer/herbs are helping a great deal and wants to continue her therapy.
Sounds as though you have found a wonderful healer there. I'm so happy for you. It was meant to be that your paths crossed. Nobbiecat will be in my thoughts... Keep me posted, and let me know if I can do anything at all for you!
Most Sincerely,

So who knows.....?????
Time will tell....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter at Janice and Marks

Howdy all,

We had a lovely Easter at Janice and Marks. It was so nice seeing everyone.
The dinner was stupendous....Janice cooked soo much food...and all sooo delicious. Crab dips, and cakes, and quiche..spinach dip and spinach quiche, macaroni and cheese, mashed sweet potato, mashed potato, stuffing, turkey, banana bread...etc...I probably forgot a few things.
Ashley made a wonderful Carrot Cake.

Thanks Janice and Mark for inviting us...

Easter at Janice and Marks

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dinner at Joe and Theresa's

Howdy all,

Saturday we went to Cousin Joes and his wife Theresa's for dinner....Joe made a great lasagne.
I brought over a german chocolate cake for dessert. It was wonderful spending time with the family.
Don't they have pretty daughters?

Dinner at Joe and Theresas

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Reiki healing for Nobbie

Howdy all,

Another Nobbie story. As you know he has been very sick...we all thought he was dying and had cancer...I used the animal communicator and she suggested someone come in to help him.

My vet at home had suggested Reiki or Acupuncture. So i searched all over the lake worth west palm beach area for someone who would come to the Homey and help him. No one would come...or they couldn't see him for a while.

The day before yesterday Jeff was washing the motor home and stopped a fellow who had the cutest little dog, a new Lhasa alpso. I was inside, but when the phone was for Jeff I went to let him know. Jeff introduced me to Allen, who used to live in the area. We chatted and I told him about Mr. Nobbie and how i had called an animal communicator.....he said he was into that kind of stuff but he said "you have to be careful who you tell that to they will think you are nuts." I told him I could care less if people thought I was nuts.....ha...

anyway he said he knows a woman from the area who would be able to put me in touch with someone...he said his friend knows all the alternative type people around...he called her and handed me the phone...
I explained the situation to his friend...she immediately said that i had to call Nancy.
She is a Reiki healer and Medical Intuitive.
I called Nancy...she couldn't come to Nobbie..but said we could make him comfortable and bring him to her....which we did ...yesterday....
She lives on a Farm in Loxahatchee, she rescues horses, dogs, sheep...etc...She also has a summer camp for children.

She started Reiki on Nobbie....I told her we all thought he had cancer....she felt no cancer...
She said no...he does not have cancer....he has infection....all the swelling was inflamed tissue...
she said it was because of infection of teeth on his lower left side...which should come out...but not until he is healthy.

Nobbie tolerated the healing...She said she was making the swelling, infectin area smaller....I held him the whole time....she put her hands on him...and he jerked a few times to get away...she said the healing is powerful and it was strange to him.
Nobbie seemed a bit different to me after the healing session.

She gave us a list of herbs to buy.
We set up one more appt. for Friday. ...and left.

Needless to say we were shocked...happy...and skeptical....
but what are we or Nobbie to loose from this?
After all it is less than a ct scan and surgery.

Got nobbie home...he was real thirsty....hungry....and I started giving him his supplements...
Arnica tabs for his pain....
liquid vitamin B12
colloidal silver for his eye, ear and internal
Bio K...digestive enzymes
Liquid coq10 for his heart
we had to order the last supplement...
He seemed to want all these supplements....which i gave him with a dropper....He then proceeded to eat dinner....
and went to bed...

it seemed to me that his eye was opened a tad more this am...
he was not as crooked ..he was holding his head a little more upright....
attitude seemed better....He was very hungry...
He let me cut some of his dirty fur that I had been avoiding i didn't want to upset him when i thought he was dying....
The Reiki healer said I needed to clean him up to give him his dignity back...and to not think that he was dying...

We left the Homey this morning to bring my aunt to get her passport and wont be home till this it will be interesting to see how the Mr. Nob is doing.

If Nob gets better....I will be making an appt with Nancy for Ballie, myself and Jeff.

Stay tuned for more of Mr. Nobbies story

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Visiting Uncle Vic and Aunt Norma

Howdy all,

We have been spending time here in Florida with my Aunt and Uncle.
Uncle Vic used to be a commercial fisherman, first in Annapolis, Maryland...lots of blue crab..then here in Florida.
He now has heart problems, diabetes , lung problems..from many years of smoking. He will occasionally go to the beach and fish with friends now and sometimes catch something to sell ...he putters around his yard and garden. He grows tomatoes, eggplant, kale, and some other greens.
He collects scrap metals that friends give him and resells them.
Jeff helped him plant pole beans yesterday and clean up another area of the garden.
Norma is no longer working because of her health issues...but she is a great cook and has been making some nice meals for us...I try and help out and make some meals as well.

Nobbie had an ok day yesterday...
Just taking it one day at a time.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Animal Communicator and Nobbie

Howdy all,

As most of you know our Mr. Nobbie hasn't been doing very well. He has some sort of growth in his head or ear left side....and another tumor type growth on his left side throat area...that continues to get larger... His balance and equilibrium is off, when he shakes he falls over. He can no longer jump to get where he wants to go...but takes one step at a time.

I had made an appointment for him with an Oncologist here in florida to have a CT scan and see what we could do to help him..if anything.

It is hard traveling with a sick pet...It would be much easier for us all if we were in New England
where we have a wonderful vet. Even though we arent there our vet has been very helpful with opinions as we travel with our sick boy...We also met a very nice, caring oncologist in Arizona...but we left the area and couldnt use her services.

Anyway... i keep questioning myself about the right thing to do for Nobbie.. Our daughter Samarrah had used an animal communicator to help her with issues her cat was having. ..and she suggested I use her.
I wasn't able to reach her last night..but left a message.

So this morning poor nob was not doing well...he just wanted to sleep in a corner. would not eat.
I thought the end was near. We just let him sleep and I canceled the appointment for the CT scan.
As we were leaving around four thirty to go to my aunt and uncles the animal communicator called...i let her know the situation and she asked for a picture, which i emailed to her...of nobbie and of ballie....then she said she will speak to them and email me back or call. I said to email and that i would call if i had more questions.

When we got home...nobbie came out of his hiding place and wanted to eat. I fed him...and Ballie. Turned on the computer and got the message from the animal communicator.
this is it....

Hi Dawn,
Connected with Nobbie earlier (after our conversation) and then again just now (8:00 central time) seems as though he's feeling a little better this evening. Hopefully he came out and had a little snack and/or drink. I feel as tho he has a better outlook than even a few hours ago. Anyway, when I connected earlier, here's the info received:
He is feeling quite a bit of nausea (caused by the dizziness) and a real "foggy" sensation in his head. Did you mention he has lost a little hearing? I felt a fairly constant, dull ache in the head area. That combined with the dizziness makes him feel quite disoriented. I think your decision not to take him in to the doctor's office today was right on, he made it very clear he did not want to go into the vet. He feels pretty awful, and a trip to the vet combined with all the stresses involved would have made his condition much worse. While he did not want to take the trip in to the vet, he's quite open to a "house call" -- someone coming in to try to help him feel better. Does anyone do that sort of thing in your area? I know those services are tough to find...
Nobbie said, "I feel as though I am in twilight right a world between the worlds. For now, I wish to be left alone. I have no fear about what may come...please tell Dawn that. Please release the fear in your heart and celebrate the love we shared, for that will live on for eternity."
He continued, "my sweet family, I love you, remember the sun-filled days by the flowers. This is what I see when I close my eyes, and it is beautiful. I am trying to feel better, I do not want to be stirred right now. I feel as though I will transition easily when the time comes. For now, we will take each minute as it comes. Keep the light in your heart shining, we will be together forever."
At this point, Nobbie seemed tired and desired to be alone, so I thanked him for his time and asked if he had anything to say in parting. He said that he wanted to give you a bouquet of Spring flowers, "for it is Spring, a time of renewal and re-birth!" He expressed his deep love and gratitude for such a wonderful life.
Bali - connected with Bali as well..physically is feeling fine (did not pick up on any trouble spots right now). Understands what is going on with Nobbie and, altho it makes Bali quite sad, is very philosophical about it: "we have been talking with each other, and he's being very strong." At this point, Bali "just wants Nobbie to be released from his illness. If he has to leave his body, he will still be here with us, just in a different form as before. Yes, Nobbie will be here with us forever, for there is a strong bond between he and Dawn."
Hope this is helpful in some small way...I am thinking of you and sending lots of love and light. Let me know how things are going and if I can help further in any way.
Most Sincerely,

I found this communication very helpful....

I still had a few questions for her and emailed them....
havent heard back yet...

Nobbie is now having a drink of water......
And life goes on....

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Orlando to Lake Worth

Howdy all,

Arrived in Orlando Friday morning.....had our Satellite worked on......but looks like our problem is not the satellite but the direct TV receiver or card.

We met up with Angie and Jimmy...who have been staying at Disney since December.
They stay at Fort Wilderness RV park...right in Disney. Its a beautiful RV park and they are a boat ride or bus ride away from most attractions.

The picture is taken from the boat ride from the campground to Fort Wilderness Hotel.
Thanks Jimmy for loaning me your raincoat...I didn't need the toilet tissue or the space blanket you had in the pocket...thank goodness.

Today we arrived in Lake Worth where we will be for two weeks, visiting friends and my aunt and uncle.

Its Hot here...Hot...88 today...
tomorrow i will rearrange my clothing storage so that my summer clothes are front and center.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Howdy all,

We left Tucson this past Sunday and Jeff has been driving long days ever since....we are now in Orlando.
Will have our satellite fixed here at trac star.

Then onto West Palm Beach to visit my aunt and uncle.
Also have apt. with an oncologist in Cooper City......for Nobbie, they will take a ct scan and we will then know what we are dealing with.

Tomorrow we will visit with Jimmy and Angie who have been staying at Fort Wilderness RV park in Disney... since December....

Sunday we arrive in Palm Beach.

Send some healing energy to our Nobbie.
He is a great little guy....he continues to eat and drink and rest allot.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Randy and Tracys Engagement Fiesta

Howdee all,

This past Saturday Steve and Lena had an Engagement party for their daughter Tracy and her fiancee Randy. Allot of time and preparation went into getting the party together....It was so great to be a part of it. Kudos to all their friends and family members that helped put it all couldn't have been done without them all. ... lots of fun ...great music, food, and a wonderful Tucson night.

Congratulations Tracy and Randy

check out the videos of the event....

the Fiesta

the Presents

Sunday, March 09, 2008

A day with Bill and Lila

Howdy all,

Jeff and I drove up to Mesa last week and spent the day with Bill and Lila Jolly.
Went to opening day game of spring training for the Cubs. Toured a house that Bill and Lila are interested in buying, then had a great BBQ dinner at Waldos.
Had a great time..
Thanks Bill and Lila!

See the videos below....

the game

the home

the food

Monday, March 03, 2008

Beautiful art ....Doodles by Tara

Howdy all....

Please check out the doodles that my niece Tara does....
They are wonderful.....magical....and make me happy to look at them.
I think she needs to sell these somehow...
I dont know how large the originals are....
but they would certainly make great fabrics, cards, art for walls....etc....
Any ideas?

Check out the website Lori made for her art doodles.....
Doodles by Tara

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Feeling Blue

Having a nice meal with some of our Country coach was real nice to see everyone again..

Howdy all,

Haven't blogged in a while, partially because we were at a rally the week before last..
and mostly because i have been spending evening time with our sick little nobbie...he has some sort of growth or tumor...still have not heard from the oncologist...

It is affecting his left side and i think because it involves a growth in the ear...and also a tumor type growth on the throat area left side, he loses his balance allot. Because of the pressure on a nerve in the area he also has horners syndrome, which means his left eye is not functioning correctly and he keeps it closed.
He still eats and drinks, goes outside for walks.
I have started him on a regime of herbals by Azmira.
Also giving both cats flower essences...dont know if any of this will help our little fur boy...but other than the stumbling he seems comfortable and in no pain.

So please send our fur boy some good healing energy....

I will do a blog shortly on our visit with Bill and Lila Jolly and show you a home they are interested in buying...