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Saturday, July 09, 2005

Another overcast day in lexington

Overcast again today here in up around eight and did the walk away the pounds the three mile walk..ha... nobbie outside now sitting on a chair and just hanging out...he loves to sit outside all day and sleep...... jeff went next door for a better wifi connection....lots of cute birds lately..chicadees with babys, titmice, goldfinches, cardinals, bluejays,sparrows, and doves all come to my feeders...still no hummingbirds hoo..

here is the cute boy.....even though he looks mad...he is really happy to sit here and watch the world go bye and of course nap.......
i took these pictures with my cheap little video cam...i should go out there and take some of the bird wont take good pictures inside...
well that is all for now..dont know what we will do today...jeff wants to go hit golf balls...i will do something else for sure....
tonight we go to Esthers...she is making dinner for the i wont be online tonight...maybe late night when i get home...we shall see...
not sure how to arrange these blogs...
a work in progress..

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