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Monday, July 25, 2005

Clamming in Chatham

Another fun day in Chatham

Did my morning exercise.....Jeff and sandy golfed early...Then came back for some clamming at low tide...Big bounties of quahogs and steamers....yummm we had steamers for dinner along with our striped sea bass....

Steve and Lena came by for a visit and to show off Lenas new skill at making tallies...I don't know how to spell it...But they are Jewish prayer shawls....Very beautiful, made of all natural silks.

The Levins came by with Joyce and her two children and hung out with us a bit...
the weather was nice in the am and afternoon became windy and overcast..No rain..
All in all another nice relaxing day here in Chatham

the smoots clamming in Chatham..Stage harbor

raking quahogs in the water

horse shoe crab in my shadow

Matthew pleased with his find

record number of clams and quahogs according to the so many pounds that they gave a lot away..

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Chatham and eating eating eating

Chatham memories from 2000

Well we made it to Chatham yesterday..lots of moans and groans from me because i had to pack...but i did it....The trip to the cape Sat. morning was long....about three hours....bumper to bumper traffic in few areas...

Stopped off at the pampered palate when we got to chatham and picked up some nice chicken salad that had tarragon and raisons, and some tuna salad, ( had to check out some of the old haunts) havent been to the cape in a few years) then went to the health food store to get a few more provisions, some green drink ,soy milk, and something else...i cant remember...

Then off to the house to unpack the very full car. It wasnt as bad as I us and the kitties comfortable in a very small room...but we fit.....a sofa and a twin air mattress and desk is all that will fit in the room....I dont have a closet or dresser so i put my clothes on the back of the sofa...

Sat nite we ordered pizza and salad for the large gang , margie, sandy, david , daniel,matthew, rick and gail, andrew, esther, jeff and I.

The reason we all got together that evening was to honor our friend steve, he played for the chatham A's Baseball team many years back and the whole team for that year was being honored at a Ball game and given rings.
So went to the game...nice hanging out with the gang, but bored at the game...ha
Stayed up late and played sequence...didnt sleep so well on the air mattress...tonight jeff and i will switch...i hope i like the sofa and he likes the mattress....
ballie and nobbie seem content in our little room.

More Food.....

I started sunday well, 3 mile walk away the pounds, then a half mile walk to the


Margie wanted to buy enough, donuts, muffins, cinnamon twists, apple rolls supply the family until the bakery opened again on tuesday....this bakery is very popular as you can see by the long line...
Jeff and i shared a bran muffin and coffee.....well decent start to the day...not wonderful but gets way worse....

The chatham bakery

long line

margie with the goodies

Chatham Bars Inn for Sunday Brunch
Lena and daughter tracy

fuzzy me...I had a Lobster omlete, one eigth of half slice of bagel, one quarter of a waffle with berries and whip cream, small piece of french toast with berries...
yumm and

the whole gang ..minus me

the boys and Jeff the biggest boy

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I dont know why but i did

I dont know why i put this picture in but i did....i guess i just wanted a picture and i Just wanted to blog......anyway this was taken a few years back...cute..

didnt do much today ...just starting to get thing together for the cape....
as you know i am complaining about packing...
Today i packed up the motorhome stuff....just in case we happen to get lucky and find a campsite...and also it will make it easier when we get back here from the cape to leave for ct.

Did some will love this I bought some sunglasses two weeks ago from marshalls...and the darn things break....gets me mad....all these cheap sunglasses i buy are breaking after a few weeks...never used to do that ....seems like they are making the cheap sunglasses to fall apart....anyways i i went to marshalls with my reciept and got new pair....ha......

Also got a few things for the makeup remover pads and bug spray from whole foods....
the pads will work good ..because i dont want to bring a washcloth fore each day....

Went into lexington center and bought two pretty file things to put my to-do lists in and assorted papers...they will sit on my little table by the sofa and look pretty.....rather than have papers sitting all over the place....i like the neat pretty look.....

I think i am writing silly stuff......who wants to know these mundaine things? my myself and i.....but i dont care...i just like to ramble now and again.....
I am sitting outside is getting dark and around eight thirty....ballie is whining...i think he wants to go for a walk...nobbie is sitting on the red chair beside me.....jeff is at the smoots watching hitch.....i will go now and walk ballie...
he is very demanding

Monday, July 18, 2005

Hanging out....scanner shopping and more

Well here i am blogging again......late at night, I might add....
Today was a full day....woke up at seven and did my morning walk away the pounds tape....went with margie to get color for my hair and then to pick up the boys from camp....
Jeff had his annual dr i went with him into brookline....I had some errands to do while he was at his appt....Had to have a bra resized......ha......I lost some weight ...and i lost it there.......yep....oh dear i just wrote something personal in my mother told me never too write anything personal while blogging......oh well ........ha
Anyway..ran into old we went out for coffee....I had jasmine green tea..@peets coffee shop.... It was nice catching up....
I still had time for my resize and more time.....jeff and i had walkie talkies to communicate......I called him and he was still at the doctors i went to trader joes...picked up a nice bean salad and california curry chicken salad for jeff....Oh and some nice preserved ginger....had sugar but not as much as that crystalized stuff.....

Anyways jeff got back from dr...had the normal tests ...blood taken etc......
We then went to pick up a wallet that i wanted to buy with my MAD is a picture
mine is in chocolate brown of course......

Jeff and I then went scanner shopping.... Went to Best buy, office max, office depot, and comp usa....... we think we found the right one for scanning photos and slides.... .Jeff wants to put together a presentation for his moms 85th birthday. So this should do the trick.....

I ordered this tonight from really like like I always get good prices the way mom, this will be shipped to your home....

Click on this to see the scanner

After shopping around forever for scanners we did a few more errands and arrived Homey after eight.....leftovers for dinner.....and more research online for the scanner before i ordered it.....

Our cape cod plans have changed ......much to my dismay.......the state park where we normally stay no longer allows camping in the overflow area for our Homey.....booo hoooo.....I called all the rv parks in the area and of course everything is the plan is now to leave homey here in to the cape on saturday with a packed car and the cats .....we will stay in the house that Margie and Sandy rent. There is an xtra room we can stay in with the furboys.....

But i have to whine now...cause i am so spoiled living in Homey

not having to pack and unpack when you go to a new place is wonderful i have to pack up stuff....lots of stuff and think about what to bring.....ught...i will have to start a list.......

I really dont want to do this......Ugh.......
I have to go is past eleven and I need to start a list.....
Oh ....on the bright side....i found a nice flosser....check out the oral b hummingbird...
its cute small like a hummingbird and sounds like uses a battery and vibrates to clean between teeth....i like using the pick more thing to pack.......ugh

Sunday, July 17, 2005

My Computer art

You can click on each picture to make it larger

Enjoy my Computer art....each one is finely handcrafted with special colors

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Maine and Camp Caribou

Went to family day at Camp Caribou .....both Daniel and Matthew go to camp here....David used to go to camp there as well.....Matt and dan have been at camp for three and a half weeks this time...and they love it.
lots of outdoor sports activities.
Jeff would love to go to camp here you can see..
the camp in on a lake in is all boy camp...lots of fun boy things too do....
We came to family day, they showed us around camp ...then we took them out to lunch, mini golf and ice cream....
then back to camp for the campfire and chocolate chip cookies and sticky buns....
fat flush diet here i come.....

the front of daniels cabin

Matthew in his cabin

Jeff having a Ball

Campfire fun

moth and light on Jeffs hat

nice sunny day..pretty clouds

David wanted to photo this sign...